Health is a active choice.

I choose to eat healthier. To like veggies and to work on eating the best foods for myself. I choose to workout and really love weight lifting. (cardio, not so much). I don't know when it started but it has been and active and progressive experience over the last 2.5 years. For over 40 years I've loved Mcdonalds, Wendy's and almost any processed and easy to make food. The microwave was my best friend, now it's my George Formen Grill.
    It's not going to happen over night and it's (mostly) the little things. Believe me I was great at binge eating. give me a medium pizza from Giant Eagles and I would wolf the thing down. A pint of double chocolate chip ice cream was a weekly thing for me. I actually had a co-worker say " Yuck" when I mentioned that instead of a cheeseburger I'll have 4 slices of ham or turkey and a piece of cheese on a 90 calorie thin whole grain bun. For under 260 calories I'm getting the feel of a meat burger but it's lots healthier. He is not ready to take the jump, drink the (diet) coolaid and shave his head. That's ok. He has started drinking 1 drink daily of pure clean water. It's a step in the right direction. And that's all we can do as recovering dieters, is take it one day at a time and actively choose, for today, to improve our lives. We are what we eat.
