
For years I wanted to be thin, to look normal and feel normal and then I figured out it was fat I wanted to loose and that doing it quick would just bring the fat back and while loosing it I'd lost some muscle and water.
    I figured out that this "diet" is for life and as such, a lifestyle change was needed. I decided to start weight lifting, in my own home, with my powerblocks and pandora radio. Music loud enough for some to think that it was a teenagers home :)  I got hooked. I started eating like a weight lifter and that means more protein then ever!
   gaining muscle is slower for a middle aged man and loosing fat at the same time is just as slow, but I'm on a quest. I want to see what I look like at a "normal" weight that I was meant to be and NOTHING takes that away from me.
     My chocolate fix is satiated with my chocolate protein bars and powders and I'm eating mostly foods made with only one ingredient. Chicken is made of chicken, carrots are made with carrots, brown rice is made with rice and steamed veggies are well,,,steamed.
    Slow and steady I am going down. Slow and steady I am getting stronger. No crash diets, my body has excepted this slow loss of fat because I'm feeding it good healthy wholesome food. Slow and steady I rock my workouts 4x weekly always lifting more or doing one extra rep. I'm the turtle and darn proud of it. I'm jogging toward the goal, the finish line. I know it's just the next in a lifelong line, but I'm cool with that.  Sorry about the babbling, I started a blog to do that, at least you choose to read those :) I'm just excited and I want to pass this good feeling around. It is so DAMN worth it!! I'M DOING IT!!!!!!   Only took me 40 years to figure it out. I'M the magic pill, I'm the reason I was 333 pounds, I'm also the reason I'm 224 pounds and I'm the reason that in the not to distant future I'll be 199 pounds!
   Then the fun stuff begins. My fat % is round 25-27% and I'm shooting to get into the low teens. I'll still have some body flab, loose skin, but having lost over 1/3 of myself I expect some battle scars to remain. I'll wear them with pride and start working on building my muscles to their natural ability.
    Funny thing is I plan on having fun at my 4th of July party. I don't pig out Like I used to, but If they have cake (usually do) I'll have a (small) slice. I'll eat some hamburger and put a big-o-piece of cheese on it and I will raid the veggie tray!  Carrots beware!!
    I used to say " why eat the carrots when you can eat the rabbits." Now I say " eat the rabbit and steal his carrots."
Good luck to all. Just learn what works for you and DO IT! It's really really worth it.
