231.8 Every pound down is unknown grounds.

   I haven't been this "thin" since....I was in my middle teens. I'm now lighter then I was at any adult time in my life except for the 4 months I crashed my weight down , at age 18, to try and get into the Marines. I'm allergic to bee stings and it's documented in hospital records. I quickly regained that weight and the last time I was in the 230's after that was when I got down to "dating weight". Met my future wife, Karen and became "fat, happy and stupid."
   You know, the "lions not on the hunt", so time to go out  to eat several times a week, dating stuff.  16 years later and a bunch of failed attempts, now I get it. It's the lifestyle change and the scale is just one measuring of my success. I've eaten well this whole weekend and got out from in front of the T.V. Went to in-laws and helped wife in getting their yard all pretty :).
    Mindset is everything. I want to get thin, less FAT and build some more muscle. This is fun! I don't know what I'm going to look like. Never been here. Will my thinner neck stop being turkey like? Are those last few skin folds flab?? I'm 44 and I've done it slow, so I will except my body as it is now and as it will become as I loose more FAT.
     I need to have a professional fat% done. I'm thinking Bodpod, got to get around and figure out where there is one here. It's Monday and time for me to workout.
