
Showing posts from 2020

my analogy of weight loss vs a spending issue.

Funny way my mind works. I can make the analogy about how when you have a spending problem the only way someone can know you have this problem is to see your checking account. I could not pay my mortgage, credit cards and car payment and over a few months I could brag about having saved thousands of dollars. Eventually my house would be foreclosed, my credit cars froze and my car reposed. My weight problem shows I have a unhealthy relationship with food. THE FAT IS A SYMPTOM of my eating issues. 90% of this battle is in my mind. It's not about willpower, it's about making life long changes that I can do FOR LIFE, sustainability. When my mind set changed the weight did come off. It's still an issue of biology and I learned not to use the scale as my sole source of how well I was doing. I celebrated every day I stayed on point for my program. When I have stalled I can look at my program and subjectively assess what has changed. Make small changes and wait and reassess. The e...