
Showing posts from March, 2012

Mission Statement:

     For all us middle aged guys out there. I'd like to get down to a fat level and fitness level to ensure a longer and healthier life. Less possible medical problems, live a life of higher physical ability and look and feel normal.    I grew up the fat kid. My lowest adult weight was 203 pounds and that was for a few months. I'm currently 242 pounds and around 27% fat percentage. I've gained around 12-20 pounds of muscle over the last 15 months. I know i'm able to eat, at least,  500 calories more each day because of the muscle I've built (ok, rebuilt.)   We loose about 1/2 pound of muscle after our 30's and I've lost 7 pounds in muscle over that time and my crash diets over the last decades probably took another half to a full dozen.       I used to eat ice cream many times a month and eating whole half sized pizza's was a normal event. I worked hard to put the weight on with my binge eating habbits. Cool Whip sized bowls of cereal ...

More details about myself.

     I type like I talk and if not for spell check I'd be in trouble. Doing this blog to help myself and  a few other people. I've been driving semi-truck for about 6 years. I work for a company out of the east coast. I live in Ohio and drive within 250 miles of home and am home every day. I drive a popular soda around to other plants and like it. I'm married to a pretty nurse who has suffered with weight issues her whole life,too. I volunteer some of my time with my hometown police department as a auxiliary police officer. It's fun. Get to direct traffic and help out with parades and help the city in times of need.       We're in the process of saving for a down payment for a house, but refuse to do this until we've got 20% saved with our emergency fund and money to spruce up the house. We're dept free and going to stay that way, except for the house payments and a possibly a small car payment for the wife.     Back to the topic of th...

Once upon a time...about 3 years ago.

     I was a over 300 pound guy. Happily married and 41 years old. Struggling with weight my whole life. Up and down. Up and down.  This was my highest weight ever. Over 330 pounds the scale read "E" so I call it 333 pounds. Nice round number.     Let's start with the past. As an adult I hit 203 pounds, at age 18 when I tried to get into the military. I was allergic to bee stings, as was shown in a medical report, so I didn't qualify. I had reached my goal after another "diet" and began to eat like my "normal" (fat) self and rained it all back in about 6 months.     Every time I crashed the weight down some of what is lost was muscle and that is why I feel it's easy to not only regain your lost weight but to add more weight. As I learned from listening to the Fat2fit podcast every pound of muscle uses 20-50 calaries every day. Doesn't sound like lots but thats 2-5 pounds you could gain every year if you ate the exact same amount every day...