
Showing posts from 2013

back on the horse, again. Electronic Cigarettes instead of smoking.

Not related, but it is. Here are some links to my favorite Electronic Cigarette web sites. I've been a smoker since I was 14 and I was up to 2 packs a day for the time I was driving over the road. I had been around a pack to 1 1/2 packs daily. Now I'm a E-cig user. I have lungs, again.      Part of the life style changes goes beyond weight and exercise and nutrition. It entails all forms of health and self improvement. Like your financial life you can cut your budget (if you have one), and increase your income. I'm not going to candy coat it. I'm and am up about 20 pounds since Thanksgiving. I had a elbow injury that was bugging me and now I can workout, again.     Here are some links to my favorite forum and some of the web sites I've used. VaporRenue offers an interesting Cigarette like tasting product. Ya gotta let it steep when you first get it, but it's good an...